Category Archives: poems

skin colour

all i could see

was the colour of skin

when it comes alive.

that translusecent hue

halfway between electricity

halfway between science.


my hands were tongue-tied

i wrote out instructions for viewing my work

you could not make sense

of this language formed

in the pauses between our thoughts.


it seemed
that you could

sense me

like a ship
passing in the night.

the lights

in the windows
of your house


each time i pass.


the teeth at the back
of your mouth

soft like the fruit
of ancient trees

my heart beats at
rotations per minute.

liquid riddle

all the celluloid
had caught on fire

by the time
we made it out
of the room.

there are some
that will never

like century-old
that will not


words were
from that conversation,

unravelling in spools
& hanging
half way between
the ocean and the sky.

the only power I had left
was language

and I only had

a small amount
of that.


you told me
there is no such thing
as a love affair
without a paper trail

all human relations
rendered by
the quiet testimony
of week old emails
& paper notes stuck
to the fridge.

by the end I decided
to go scorched earth
with you

not a scrap
of evidence
would be left

waiting room

echoes travel
through air vents

sounds sit like
pieces of raw meat
in the sun

flies slide down
the walls where
sweat gathers
in the small
of your back.

it’s like

It’s like

Reading a book with half the words blacked out

It’s like

Remembering something that has never happened

It’s like

Travelling to the end of the earth

It’s like

Starting something from the beginning

It’s like

Forgiving yourself

the silent shrine

our conversation turned
to a feedback loop

I collected the things
we almost said

and built a memorial
in the park near our house.

our neighbours brought objects

like old mobile phones
and sheets of transparent paper

to make a shrine

and I would come each day
with new words

as my offering.

then & there

i tried to draw a
memory map
of the first house
we ever lived in.

the hallway kept
looping back on itself
an eternal return
in my imaginary


you were in the kitchen
madly googling bloodlines

and other diaphanous things like

middle names,
insignias and

i took your findings and
marked out our territory

a vanishing point between

then and there.


the seventeenth floor

thick air

& flickering

classrooms filled with clouds

the atmosphere outside


on the roof

she grew cacti
on the roof
of every house
she had ever owned.

the neighbourhood cats
would weave along
the corrugated iron
like guerrillas through a

in some ways,
it was a secret pledge
she had made with herself:
not to let anyone in.

her own juicy piece of armor
that thrived
like a bruised fruit

redfern st

redfern st

glistening with fever

a clear autumn sky

and grant mc lennan.


i found 3 coins from 1988

-the year we met-

in an old handbag

i was about to throw away.


it reminded me

of the way you believe

that objects have secret lives

which move against each other

like songs.